Backlinks to MimeIconPlugin in all Webs (Search System Web only)

Results from System web retrieved at 13:29 (GMT)

The Natural Skin NatSkin improves your Foswiki experience by bringing together some of the most useful features from different plugins in a consistent way. NatSki...
NatSkinFAQ The documentation of NatSkin is crap. I'm lost! If you need help, there are a couple of options: * Create a support request on Foswiki:Support/WebH...
The Natural Skin Plugin Description This is the supplemental plugin for the NatSkin. Its main purpose is to supply "skin states" to control different styles and ...
Solr Plugin About Solr Solr is an open source enterprise search server based on the Lucene Java search library, with XML/HTTP and JSON APIs, hit highlighting, fa...
TopicInteractionPlugin Description This plugin redesigns the way how users interact with topics and attachments in various ways: * improved attachment handlin...
#VarMIMEICON MIMEICON{"filename"} return a meaningful icon for this filename * Syntax: %MIMEICON{"filename"}% * Supported parameters: Parameter ...
Number of topics: 6

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