View revision: in raw text format
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Restore will save an exact copy of your selected revision into a new revision. Because each revision will be preserved in the topic history, you can always revisit the revision you are replacing. Note that attachments will be left unchanged.
Only update linked topics in System web
Copy this topic (and all attachments) to a new topic.
Allow only WikiWord for the new topic nameMore...Close It's usually best to choose a WikiWord for the new topic name, otherwise automatic linking may not work. Characters not allowed in topic names, such as spaces will automatically be removed.
INFO: Found 0 X3D and 0 (experimental) WebSG nodes...
INFO: X3DOM version 1.7.1, Revison 27d2b19b572f365b32d12cd9883e4bf894e60cef, Date Tue Jan 5 13:25:24 2016 +0100