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Results from System web retrieved at 13:37 (GMT)

DBCachePlugin Description This is a lightweight frontend to the DBCacheContrib. The provided macros DBQUERY and DBCALL can be used as a replacement for SEARCH an...
LikePlugin This plugin lets you vote on topics, attachments and comments by means of a like or a dislike . All "likes" are stored within Foswiki, that is: they a...
MetaCommentPlugin This is YACS (yet another comment system) which tries to * (a) be easy to use, * (b) scale up to lots of comments * (c) provide differe...
MoreFormfieldsPlugin Description This plugin implements a set of additional special purpose formfields to be used in DataForm definitions. To make use of these f...
Natural Edit Plugin Description The NatEdit is an wiki editor that helps in learning the TML Language by providing a GUI. By design, this is not a wysiwyg editor...
The Natural Skin NatSkin improves your Foswiki experience by bringing together some of the most useful features from different plugins in a consistent way. NatSki...
NatSkinFAQ The documentation of NatSkin is crap. I'm lost! If you need help, there are a couple of options: * Create a support request on Foswiki:Support/WebH...
The Natural Skin Plugin Description This is the supplemental plugin for the NatSkin. Its main purpose is to supply "skin states" to control different styles and ...
WikiWorkbenchContrib Introduction The WikiWorkbench standardizes writing, deploying and using wiki applications on Foswiki. It builds on the core concepts of sta...
Number of topics: 9

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