%SECTION0% geom_vicinityOffset #TableOfContents %TOC% --- ---++ Purpose Offset microstructure index for points which see a microstructure different from themselves (or listed as triggers) within a given (cubic) vicinity, i.e. within the region close to a grain/phase boundary. %UPTOC% ---++ Usage
> geom_vicinityOffset options file[s] 
%UPTOC% ---++ Options $=-v= / =--vicinity= [ *1* ]: voxel distance checked for presence of other microstructure $=-m= / =--microstructureoffset= [ *0* ]: offset (positive or negative) for tagged microstructure indices. "0" selects maximum microstructure index $=-t= / =--trigger=: list of microstructure indices triggering a change $=-n= / =--nonperiodic=: assume geometry to be non-periodic