%STARTINCLUDE%<!-- --> <div class="wwbBox wwbModel"> <h2 >Data Model</h2> <img src='%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/WikiWorkbenchContrib/model.png' align='left' /> * [[TopicType]] * [[DataForm]] * [[DataFormAttribute]] * [[TopicTemplate]] </div> <div class="wwbBox wwbControl"> <h2 >Control</h2> <img src='%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/WikiWorkbenchContrib/exec.png' align='left' /> * [[TopicView]] * [[TopicFunction]] </div> <div class="wwbBox wwbBoxLast wwbDocu"> <h2 >Documentation</h2> <img src='%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/WikiWorkbenchContrib/book.png' align='left' /> * [[WikiApplication]] * [[DocuTopic]] %IF{"istopic 'ApplicationLicense'" then=" * [[ApplicationLicense]]"}% * [[WebLexicon]] </div> %CLEAR% See the [[CompleteDocumentation]]. %DATATABLE{ class="foswikiFlatTable foswikiStripes" query="%IF{"'%URLPARAM{"q"}%'!=''" then="TopicType=~'%URLPARAM{"q"}%'" else="topic='.*'"}%" web="%BASEWEB%" columns="index,TopicTitle,Summary,TopicType,WikiApplication,Changed" rows="10" searching="on" lengthmenu="5,10,20,30,50,100" info="off" paging="on" sort="Changed" reverse="on" width="100%" savestate="on" }% %ADDTOZONE{"head" id="%TOPIC%::CSS" section="css"}%<!-- --> <!-- -->%STOPINCLUDE%
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Topic | index | TopicTitle | Summary | TopicType | WikiApplication | Changed |
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