integer, public, protected | numerics::ijacostiffness = 1 |
| frequency of stiffness update More...
integer, public, protected | numerics::randomseed = 0 |
| fixed seeding for pseudo-random number generator, Default 0: use random seed More...
integer, public, protected | numerics::worldrank = 0 |
| MPI worldrank (/=0 for MPI simulations only) More...
integer, public, protected | numerics::worldsize = 1 |
| MPI worldsize (/=1 for MPI simulations only) More...
integer, public, protected | numerics::numerics_integrator = 1 |
| method used for state integration Default 1: fix-point iteration More...
integer(4), public, protected | numerics::damask_numthreadsint = 0 |
| value stored in environment variable DAMASK_NUM_THREADS, set to zero if no OpenMP directive More...
real(preal), public, protected | numerics::defgradtolerance = 1.0e-7_pReal |
| deviation of deformation gradient that is still allowed (used by CPFEM to determine outdated ffn1) More...
real(preal), public, protected | numerics::numerics_unitlength = 1.0_pReal |
| determines the physical length of one computational length unit More...
real(preal), public, protected | numerics::charlength = 1.0_pReal |
| characteristic length scale for gradient problems More...
real(preal), public, protected | numerics::residualstiffness = 1.0e-6_pReal |
| non-zero residual damage More...
logical, public, protected | numerics::usepingpong = .true. |
real(preal), public, protected | numerics::err_struct_tolabs = 1.0e-10_pReal |
| absolute tolerance for mechanical equilibrium More...
real(preal), public, protected | numerics::err_struct_tolrel = 1.0e-4_pReal |
| relative tolerance for mechanical equilibrium More...
real(preal), public, protected | numerics::err_thermal_tolabs = 1.0e-2_pReal |
| absolute tolerance for thermal equilibrium More...
real(preal), public, protected | numerics::err_thermal_tolrel = 1.0e-6_pReal |
| relative tolerance for thermal equilibrium More...
real(preal), public, protected | numerics::err_damage_tolabs = 1.0e-2_pReal |
| absolute tolerance for damage evolution More...
real(preal), public, protected | numerics::err_damage_tolrel = 1.0e-6_pReal |
| relative tolerance for damage evolution More...
integer, public, protected | numerics::itmax = 250 |
| maximum number of iterations More...
integer, public, protected | numerics::itmin = 1 |
| minimum number of iterations More...
integer, public, protected | numerics::stagitmax = 10 |
| max number of field level staggered iterations More...
integer, public, protected | numerics::maxcutback = 3 |
| max number of cut backs More...