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module | thermal_conduction |
| material subroutine for temperature evolution from heat conduction
subroutine, public | thermal_conduction::thermal_conduction_init |
| module initialization More...
subroutine, public | thermal_conduction::thermal_conduction_getsourceanditstangent (Tdot, dTdot_dT, T, ip, el) |
| returns heat generation rate More...
real(preal) function, dimension(3, 3), public | thermal_conduction::thermal_conduction_getconductivity (ip, el) |
| returns homogenized thermal conductivity in reference configuration More...
real(preal) function, public | thermal_conduction::thermal_conduction_getspecificheat (ip, el) |
| returns homogenized specific heat capacity More...
real(preal) function, public | thermal_conduction::thermal_conduction_getmassdensity (ip, el) |
| returns homogenized mass density More...
subroutine, public | thermal_conduction::thermal_conduction_puttemperatureanditsrate (T, Tdot, ip, el) |
| updates thermal state with solution from heat conduction PDE More...
subroutine, public | thermal_conduction::thermal_conduction_results (homog, group) |
| writes results to HDF5 output file More...