Install 'SeoTopic' TopicType

Target web:

Select a web where to deploy this component.


See also SeoTopicEditTemplate, SeoTopicViewTemplate

Topics of type 'SeoTopic'

Create a new SeoTopic



short description or tagline



Topic index TopicTitle Summary Tag Category Changed

SeoTopic form

Name: Type: Size: Values: Description: Attributes: Default:Sorted ascending
TopicType label 1 SeoTopic, ClassifiedTopic, CategorizedTopic, TaggedTopic, WikiTopic Document type    
TopicTitle text 75        
Summary text 75   short description or tagline c  
Tag tag 30   keywords c  
Category cat 1   categories this blog entry is field to    
HTML Title text 75   controls the title being added to the html page, defaults to TopicTitle if. Generate title    
Meta Description textarea 80x2   SEO description. Use a maximum of 160 chars for the description. Generate description    
Meta Keywords text 75   SEO keywords. Specify a comma separate list of keywords. Generate keywords    
Meta Image select2 30 , name of attachment used as open graph image thumbnail    

TopicType edit

TopicType TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
Summary a topic carrying search engine enhanced metadata
Editor Applications.ClassificationApp.SeoTopicEditTemplate
Topic Naming Mode default
Topic Name Template
Topic Name Source [name=TopicTitle]
Topic Name Prefix
Topic Name Suffix
WikiApplication ClassificationApp
Topic revision: r1 - 02 May 2019, UnknownUser
Warning: Can't find topic Applications/ClassificationApp.WebLeftBarExample

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