DAMASK with grid solvers
Revision: v2.0.3-2204-gdb1f2151
The Düsseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit with Grid Solvers
Go to the documentation of this file. 1 # 1 "/home/damask_user/GitLabCI_Pipeline_4301/DAMASK/src/source_damage_isoDuctile.f90"
4 # 1 "/home/damask_user/GitLabCI_Pipeline_4301/DAMASK/src/source_damage_isoDuctile.f90"
23 integer,
allocatable :: &
31 character(len=pStringLen),
dimension(:) :: &
53 integer :: ninstance,sourceoffset,nipcmyphase,p
54 character(len=pStringLen) :: extmsg =
60 write(6,
'# instances:',ninstance
64 allocate(
81 prm%N =
82 prm%critPlasticStrain =
85 if (prm%N <= 0.0_preal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//
' isoductile_ratesensitivity'
86 if (prm%critPlasticStrain <= 0.0_preal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//
' isoductile_criticalplasticstrain'
90 sourcestate(p)%p(sourceoffset)%atol =
91 if(any(
sourcestate(p)%p(sourceoffset)%atol < 0.0_preal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//
' isoductile_atol'
109 integer,
intent(in) :: &
110 ipc, & !< component-ID of integration point
111 ip, & !< integration point
121 phase = material_phaseat(ipc,el)
122 constituent = material_phasememberat(ipc,ip,el)
124 homog = material_homogenizationat(el)
125 damageoffset = damagemapping(homog)%p(ip,el)
128 sourcestate(phase)%p(sourceoffset)%dotState(1,constituent) = &
129 sum(plasticstate(phase)%slipRate(:,constituent))/(damage(homog)%p(damageoffset)**prm%N)/prm%critPlasticStrain
140 integer,
intent(in) :: &
143 real(preal),
intent(in) :: &
145 real(preal),
intent(out) :: &
154 dlocalphidot_dphi = -sourcestate(phase)%p(sourceoffset)%state(1,constituent)
156 localphidot = 1.0_preal &
157 + dlocalphidot_dphi*phi
167 integer,
intent(in) :: phase
168 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: group
174 outputsloop:
do o = 1,
175 select case(trim(prm%output(o)))
176 case (
177 call results_writedataset(group,stt,
'driving force',
type(tsourcestate), dimension(:), allocatable, public sourcestate
subroutine, public source_damage_isoductile_dotstate(ipc, ip, el)
calculates derived quantities from state
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, public, protected material_phaseat
phase ID of each element
@, public source_damage_isoductile_id
material subroutine incoprorating isotropic ductile damage source mechanism
subroutine, public io_error(error_ID, el, ip, g, instance, ext_msg)
write error statements to standard out and terminate the Marc/spectral run with exit #9xxx
type(tpartitionedstringlist), dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected config_phase
integer, dimension(debug_maxntype+2), public, protected debug_level
subroutine, public source_damage_isoductile_results(phase, group)
writes results to HDF5 output file
character(len=pstringlen), dimension(0), parameter emptystringarray
subroutine, public source_damage_isoductile_init
module initialization
Parses material config file, either solverJobName.materialConfig or material.config.
Reads in the material configuration from file.
setting precision for real and int type
integer, dimension(:), allocatable source_damage_isoductile_instance
instance of damage source mechanism
integer, public, protected discretization_nip
input/output functions, partly depending on chosen solver
integer, parameter, public debug_levelbasic
integer, parameter preal
number with 15 significant digits, up to 1e+-307 (typically 64 bit)
Reading in and interpretating the debugging settings for the various modules.
subroutine, public material_allocatesourcestate(phase, of, NipcMyPhase, sizeState, sizeDotState, sizeDeltaState)
allocates the source state of a phase
type(tparameters), dimension(:), allocatable, private param
containers of constitutive parameters (len Ninstance)
subroutine, public source_damage_isoductile_getrateanditstangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, phase, constituent)
returns local part of nonlocal damage driving force
container type for internal constitutive parameters
integer, parameter, public debug_constitutive
stores debug level for constitutive part of DAMASK bitwise coded
integer(kind(source_undefined_id)), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public, protected phase_source
active sources mechanisms of each phase
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected phase_nsources
number of source mechanisms active in each phase
character(len= *), parameter, public source_damage_isoductile_label
integer, dimension(:), allocatable source_damage_isoductile_offset
which source is my current damage mechanism?