This anisotropic ductile damage model is based on accumulated plastic slip on each slip system.
Local damage
The local damage $\phi_{l}$ is given by,
\label{eq: local damage}
\phi_{l} = \min_{\alpha} \left(min \left(1,\frac{\gamma_{crit}^{\alpha}}{\gamma^{\alpha}}\right)\right),
where $nss$ is the total number of slip systems.
Parameters in material configuration
To set the above parameters use the following (case-insensitive) naming scheme in a material.config file:
M. Boudifaa, K. Saanounia, and J.L. Chaboche A micromechanical model for inelastic ductile damage prediction in polycrystalline metals for metal forming. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 51(6) (2009) 453464
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