2.1.4. geom_fromOsteonGeometry
Generate a geometry file of an osteon enclosing the Harvesian canal and separated by interstitial tissue. The osteon phase is lamellar with a twisted plywood structure. Its fiber orientation is oscillating by +/- amplitude within one period.
> geom_fromOsteonGeometry options option(s)] [Geom file
/ =--grid=[ 512 512 ] - a,b grid of hexahedral box
/ =--size=[ 0.0003 0.0003 ] - x,y size of hexahedral box
/ --canal
[ 2.5e-05 ] - Haversian canal radius
/ --osteon
[ 0.0001 ] - horizontal osteon radius
/ --lamella
[ 5e-06 ] - lamella width
/ --amplitude
[ 60 ] - amplitude of twisted plywood wiggle in deg
[ 1.0 ] - vertical/horizontal osteon aspect ratio
/ --omega
[ 0.0 ] - rotation angle around normal of osteon
[ 1 ] - homogenization index to be used
[ 1 ] - crystallite index to be used
> geom_Osteon -2 --size 1 1 --canal 0.1 --osteon 0.35 --lamella 0.02 --aspect 0.4 --omega 70 > osteon.geom
| |
| Figure 1: Osteon with aspect ratio 0.4 and about 12 lamellae rotated by 70 degrees. Haversian canal on the inside and interstitial tissue phase on the outside (not explicitly colored). | |