5. History
Version v2.0.3
Bug fixes
- corrected stiffness assembly for MPI simulations
- consistent orientation convention in DAMASK and the pre and post processing tools following [1]
New features
- Marc: added support for 2018 and 2018.1; dropped support for all older versions (not compatible with Python 3)
- Abaqus: included user subroutine DFLUX for thermo-mechanically couped simulation (not tested)
- restart information written in HDF5
- phenopowerlaw: allow for slip (Lp) in twinned volume fraction
- dislotwin: account for runtime in dislocation velocity calculation (improves high temperature behaviour)
- added non-octahedral slip systems for fcc ({110}<110>)
Dropped features
- removed Augmented Lagrange (AL) solver
- dropped support of Abaqus explicit due to repeating errors
General improvements
- renaming variables according to DAMASK overview paper
- speed up initialization by improved handling of config files
- new orientation/rotation class for pre-/post-processing scripts
- improved modularity of the code
- cleaned up the code a lot
- all pre-/post-processing scripts use Python 3
- introduced additional tests
- improved error reporting
- using PETSc 3.10.x
- more portable way to define PI
- keyword for mechanical homogenization changed from type to mech
Known Bugs
- RK4 state integrator broken
Version v2.0.2
Bug fixes
- corrected sampling of texture components
- spectral solver: corrected cutback issue
New features
- Marc: added support for 2016 and 2017; dropped support for 2013
- Marc: included user subroutine flux for thermo-mechanically couped simulation
- pre- and postprcessing: added more scripts providing additional functionalities
General improvements
- using PETSc 3.9
- python scripts compatible with Python 3
- variable cut back factor for Lp and Li
- use IntrinsicNAN
- additional sanity checks for input
- improved error handling and reporting for MPI simulations
- spectral solver: using forward-backward differences
- using analytic tangent instead of numerical perturbation
- cleaned up the code
Version v2.0.1
Bug fixes
- Phenopowerlaw: corrected/unified calculation of gamma_dot in case of non-Schmid behaviour
- Spectral Solver: request thread aware MPI when using openMP
- Spectral Solver: output was broken for MPI calculations
- corrected occasional error in reading of Abaqus input file
- fixed wrong reshaping order (was 'C' now 'F') of 3dim to 1dim and back in addEuclideanDistance.py
New features
- Phenopowerlaw: (optional) family--wise assignment of initial hardening rate
General improvements
- central configuration file CONFIG
- Spectral Solver/Pre and postprocessing simplified
- removed core module
- modularized visualization
- additional pre and post processing scripts
- removed old svn ID tags
- cleaned up the code
- started to make python scripts compatible with Python 3
- started to adjust help message of pre- and postprocessing scripts for automated documentation
- improved code to get rid of compiler warnings and pyflakes complaints
Version v2.0.0
Bug fixes
- fixed Fourier convolution and div/curl calculation for even/odd grid according to Johnston 2011 (MIT, FFTW)
New features
- added support for Marc2014.2 and Marc2015
- added support for TRIP effect to dislotwin constitutive model
- combined J2 plasticity with I2 (dilatational) plasticity as constitutive law »isotropic«
- included profiling into the test suite
- accelerated spectral methods based on derivative approximations
- new constitutive model »disloucla« for tungsten based on atomic scale parameter determination
- new constitutive model »phenoplus« accounting for neighbourhood
- bct(beta)-Sn slip systems included in lattice.f90
- added user-defined external heat source
- added spectral solvers for thermal and damage fields
- dropped non-PETSc »basic« spectral solver
- spectral solver now fully parallel (parallel IO, domain decomposition, FFTs, and restart)
- helper routine to get heat generation rate needed for MARC/Abaqus
General improvements
- improved makefile
- additional pre and post processing scripts
- increased use of intrinsic functions and BLAS subroutines
- incorporation of advanced Fortran 2008 features (see plastic_isotropic.f90 for example)
- improved installation instructions
- major restructuring of multi-field handling in DAMASK
- updated linearODF file format (including header and keywords)
- analytic jacobian as default for all solvers
- return elastic tangent, if matrix inversion error encountered during analytic tangent calculation, and give a warning
Revision 3813
Bug fixes
- corrected calculation of homogenizedC in dislotwin
- corrected Lp calculation in dislotwin
- corrected bug when using non-CP elements in Marc, thanks to Dong Zhang, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
- corrected bug in calculation of nodal positions for 2D Marc models, thanks to Dong Zhang, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
New features
- added support for Marc2014
- added a number of thermo-mechanical elements for Abaqus
- new script to name Abaqus output (abq_addUserOutput) as for Marc, thanks to B. Bode, University of Kassel
- added subroutines for local temperature evolution
- added subroutines for local damage evolution
- renamed constitutive_* to plastic_* in line with thermal_*, damage_*, ...
- made constitutive (elastic and plastic) models damage aware
- additional constitutive model (dislokmc), this is a variant of dislotwin using input from KineticMonteCarlo simulations, thanks to D. Cereceda Senas, UCLA
- dislotwin was extended to also include TRIP effect
- non-Schmid behaviour for bcc in all constitutive models except dislotwin, titanmod (hex only), and j2 (isotropic)
- introduced second intermediate configuration ($\tnsr F = \tnsr F_\text e \tnsr F_\text i \tnsr F_\text p$) for multi-field simulations
General improvements
- more consistency checks
- implemented new way of handling state variables to improve speed and memory consumption as well as readability of the code
- improved calculation of analytic tangent, now standard for spectral solver
- improved makefile
- more pre and post processing scripts
- reduced code duplication
Revision 3108
Bug fixes
- added abaqus_v6_serial.env, not using the -openmp option as it does not work with ABQ explicit and newest Intel compilers
New features
General improvements
- worked on compiler/linker options for improved compatibilty on different systems
- further improved Marc/Mentat integration
- small improvements in some pre/post processing scripts
Revision 3062
Bug fixes
- reading in nested configuration files (using {includefile})
- addStrainTensors.py: set threshold for values treated as zero to 1.e-12 (was 1.e-15) to avoid flip in strain direction
- constitutive_nonlocal: blocked density does not contribute to dislocation flux
- fixed crash in calculation of rotation matrix from Euler angles for PHI=180°
- fixed bug in hexagonal slip system definition
- corrected tangent of plastic velocity gradient dLp_dT in some constitutive models, which improves convergence a lot
New features
- added support for Marc2013.1, dropped support for Marc2010 (need features of Intel Fortran >12)
- homogenization_none (keyword
) for direct CP simulations
- dislotwin:
- use solid solution stress + Peierls stress as obstacle stress (for use with bcc materials)
- new parameter
; supress dipole evolution if set to zero
General improvements
- geom_grainGrowth.py
- orientation library (orientation.py)
- more pre and post processing scripts
- use enums instead of strings to avoid time consuming comparison in case switches
- restructured material library, seperate config files for individual sections
- simplified installation procedure (configure, make, make install)
- earlier reading of lattice structure allows for consistent reading of slip family parameters etc.
- generally better performance
Revision 2689
Bug fixes
- lattice: fixed errors in hexagonal slipslip and twintwin interaction matrix
- homogenization: fixed problem with infinite loop occuring in some cases
- geom_rescale.py: fixed grid rescaling
- spectral solver (mixed variational schemes): fixed formulation to also bring rotational part of div(P) to zero
- spectral solver (mixed variational schemes): consistent convergence check for div(P) and curl(F)
- spectral solver: fixed restarting
New features
- added support for Marc/Mentat2013
- Abaqus: added Windows support
- FE solvers: introduced plain mode, which calculates each IP separately as expected by solvers
- works for local constitutive models only
- is extremely slow!
- spectral solver:
- added polarisation-based solver
- added capability for dynamic stress equilibrium
- constitutive laws: added non-Schmid behaviour for bcc materials
- constitutive_nonlocal: multiplication behaviour different for fcc and bcc materials
- material:
- changed keyword for texture manipulation (
- warning if slip/twin families or interactions are not defined, depends on chosen lattice structure
- numerics: allow equals sign (»=«) in keyword value pair
- vtk_scalars2vectors.py: new script to translate scalar vector components to vector data
- addCalculation.py: allow formulas that return arrays, added support for NumPy
General improvements
- compilation more robust in different environments
- changed Marc/Mentat integration for minimum interference with original installation
- improved compatibility with Python 3
- more consistent naming of variables
Revision 2555
Bug fixes
- 2D elements set to thickness of 1 and can now be used with nonlocal model
- reintroduced calculation of forest projections for edge dislocations, got lost after revision 1908
- passive and active rotations were not clearly distinguished and partly mixed up. Fixed with following convention: Rotation conversions do not switch implicitly from active to passive or vice versa except when converting to or from any Euler type (Euler angles or Euler axis/angles). Those functions expect a passive rotation (i.e., change of coordinate system) as input if converting to Euler type and return a passive rotation if converting from Euler type.
New features
- MSC.Mentat integration featuring a dedicated DAMASK menu in Jobs > Run
- added possibility for multi-level inclusion of files in *.config and loadcase files by using »
« statements
- added second type prismatic slip system for hexagonal lattices; interaction matrix is changed due to this, so be careful using old material.config files
- dropped ./fftw in favor of /usr/local as default location to search for FFTW library
- script to convert data format of VPFFT, EPFFT (R.A. Lebensohn) to that used by DAMASK spectral solver (geom, material.config)
- script that produces VTK files with the (node-based and ip-based) deformed mesh from MSC.Marc output file
- marc_extractData: simple variant of the postResult script that extracts all data from a *.t16 file (quadratic elements not yet supported) and writes it into an ASCIItable
- vtk_addData: searches for corresponding *.txt and *.vtk file in a given directory and adds the data from the *.txt file as SCALARS to the *.vtk file
- 3Dvisualize: wildcard matching for column headings, e.g. »[159]_p« to extract only the diagonal elements (scalars) of stress, or »[1-9]_p« to extract all nine values.
- keywords in spectral solver geometry description changed:
- added library to write out VTK file from Fortran (Lib_VTK_IO)
- homogenization_isostrain: added possibility to select
of multiple grains:
, avg
, or mean
gives average over Ngrains (default and former behavior)
or sum
gives sum over Ngrains
- mesh: build_ipVolumes uses openMP parallelization
- spectral solver:
- arbitrary grid dimension in each direction possible (x,y > 1; z > 0)
replaced by executing ./configure
, make
, and make
in DAMASK/code folder
- calculation of cell node positions now available in Python via damask.core module:
- damask.core.mesh.mesh_init_postprocessing(meshfilename)
initialize all necessary mesh variables
- damask.core.mesh.mesh_build_cellnodes(nodes)
calculate the cell node positions for a given list of node positions. The meshfile that is needed for the init is created automatically by mesh_init() within DAMASK.
- material:
- reworked distribution of microstructure constituents. Each material point represents "as good as possible" the fractional content of constituents.
- dropped error for volume fractions not totaling 1
- capability to rotate the texture given in material.config
- geom_fromVoronoiTessellation: added possibility to have microstructure indices for seed points. Hence, multiple seed points can belong to the same final grain.
- dislotwin: new twin nucleation model for fcc materials based on Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 494
General improvements
- significant performance boost for geometry-related preprocessing scripts
- reporting current time for most module inits
- material: improved efficiency of memory allocation
- damask Python module: predefined maps in damask.Colormap class; no need for a colorMap config file anymore
- math: pDecomposition enclosed by openMP critical statement as not thread safe
- CPFEM: reorganized calculation modes for better readability and cleaner structure
- mesh: substantial restructuring due to introduction of cells. A cell is the volume (area in 2D elements) that surrounds an integration point. It is described by up to 8 cell nodes and is used to calculate IP volume, area, and face normals and can, for instance, serve to generate a mesh for paraview that contains IP output as cell-centered data.
- spectral solver: specialized and much faster ipNeighborhood calculation
- spectral solver and MSC.Marc: simplified installation
Revision 2174
Bug fixes
- constitutive_J2: used to rely on deviatoric stress as input, now corrected
- constitutive_phenopowerlaw: hardening could diverge from correct asymptotic behavior
- spectral solver: acoustic tensor calculation had symmetry hick-up (blows up at zero Poisson ratio)
- RGC homogenization: was broken for initial increment
- addStrainTensors: non-logarithmic strain calculations were wrong
- additional small bug fixes and enhancements
New features
- spectral solver: now offers three different numerical schemes (can be configured in numerics.config):
- basic scheme fix-point
- basic scheme using PETSc (needs PETSc)
- augmented Lagrange (needs PETSc)
- Abaqus: if present, use *.pes instead of (possibly parameterized) *.inp file
- constitutive: started implementation of non-Schmid behavior
- constitutive_phenopowerlaw: added accumulated shear per system as possible output
- damask Python module: new colormaps class
- postResults: can interpret tetrahedron element with four IPs
- mesh: 2D elements are now operational
- pathinfo: accepts environment $VARs
General improvements
- more Python pre and post processing capabilities
Revision 1955
Bug fixes
- lattice: Schmid matrix of twin systems was wrongly scaled (by $\sqrt{3}$ for fcc and bcc, and different factors for hex)
- material: fixed behaviour of
- crystallite: no infinite loop for non-converging grains anymore
- Makefile: corrected auto detection of Intel Fortran compiler
Revision 1924
Bug fixes
- lattice: corrected $\langle 1 1 \bar 2 3\rangle \{1 0 \bar 1 1\}$ slip system definition of hexagonal structure
- crystallite: fixed bugs in Fixed-Point iteration, adaptive Euler, and Runge–Kutta state integrators
- crystallite: simplification of stress integration algorithm (removed step size increase after any successful Newton–Raphson step, replaced Armijo rule testing for step size by simple check if the residuum got better)
- former random seed initialization didn't allow to redo calculations that started with a random seed
- shape reconstruction in Fourier space fixed
- many more small bug fixes and enhancements
New features
- constitutive: new plasticity type
- lattice: improved interaction description for fcc twins
- lattice: introduced bcc twin systems of type $\langle 1 1 1\rangle \{1 1 2\}$
- lattice: dropped bcc slip systems of type $\langle 1 1 1\rangle \{1 2 3\}$
- material: added ability to
selected parts of material.config into the log-file
- mesh: new scaling keyword
in numerics.config
- mesh: support for ten-noded, higher-order tetrahedron element
- more Python pre and post processing capabilities
General improvements
- constitutive_phenopowerlaw: hardening behavior reverted to Kalidindi, S., Bronkhorst, C., & Anand, L. (1992) J. Mech. Phys. Solids 40 537569
- more extensive use of numerical libraries (IMKL, ACML, or LAPACK)
- started general »doxygen« commenting for future use
- support of Abaqus 6.12 and MSC.Marc 2012 (dropped support for MSC.Marc 2007 and 2008)
- new version of FFTW (3.3.2)
Revision 1489
Bug fixes
- binary representation of NaN now also works with Abaqus
- geometry reconstruction in 3Dvisualize
- »**damask« comments in Abaqus
New features
- J2 constitutive model has strain rate-sensitive saturation stress
- Abaqus now uses ifort found in $PATH
General improvements
Revision 1414
- separated constitution into plasticity and elasticity and therefore changed syntax of material.config
replaced keyword constitutive
with keyword plasticity
new mandatory keyword elasticity
; currently the only option is hooke
- removed mesh dependance of convergence criteria of spectral solver; typical value for
now 0.1 to 1
D. Rowenhorst, A.D. Rollett, G.S. Rohter, M. Groeber, M. Jackson, P.J. Konijnenberg, and M. De Graef. Consistent representations of and conversions between 3D rotations. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 32-8 083501 (2015)