4.2. Abaqus (deprecated - do not use)


Theses installation instructions apply to the Linux64 version of Abaqus. For running a simulation after the installation, please refer to the Abaqus usage page



  • operational Abaqus
  • Intel Fortran compiler compatible with your Abaqus version.
  • DAMASK/CONFIG reflecting your system settings (i.e. your Abaqus version)
  • system variables set (done by calling >source DAMASK/DAMASK_env.(sh/csh))



Copy Abaqus environment file

  • Linux: Copy DAMASK/installation/mods_Abaqus/abaqus_v6.env into either your home directory or the model directory.

For more details on the use of this file, please refer to the Abaqus manual.

The following modifications are done to the abaqus_v6.env environment file.

  1. added
    since DAMASK relies on unique element numbers in the input file
  2. Intel Fortran compiler found in $PATH is used
  3. added compiler switches
    -c prevent linking, only generate object files
    -fPIC generate position-independent code
    -auto put local variables on the stack
    -I%I include path
    -free use free-format Fortran 90 syntax
    -O2 optimization level
    -fpp use Fortran preprocessor on source code
    -openmp build with OpenMP support
    -ftz flush underflow to zero
    -implicitnone assume no implicit types (e.g., i, j, k, l for integer)
  4. dropped compiler switches
    -w90 -w95 suppress messages about use of non-standard Fortran
    -WB turn a compile-time bounds check into a warning
    -mP2OPT_hpo_vec_divbyzero=F unofficial compiler switch, proposed by Simulia but highly dubious


Compilation into a library

You can compile DAMASK into a library to be used with abaqus, it saves you from compiling the subroutine for each job. In this case you do not have to specify a usersubroutine file, however if you still do, the compiled version will override that in the library.

  1. create a library directory, e.g. abqlib, in your prefered location
  2. build the library replacing your_prefered_location/abqlib with the correct path to the directory created in step 1.
    abaqus make library=DAMASK_abaqus.f -dir your_prefered_location/abqlib
  3. in the Abaqus environment file abaqus_v6.env uncomment the line
    after replacing your_prefered_location/abqlib with the correct path to the directory created in step 1.
Topic revision: r33 - 11 Aug 2020, MartinDiehl

  • News
14 Sep 2020
CMCn2020 & DAMASK user meeting to be hosted at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (cancelled)
22 Aug 2020
Release of first preview version of DAMASK 3
19 Feb 2020
DAMASK made it to the Advanved Engineering Materials Hall of Fame
26 Mar 2019
DREAM.3D 6.5.119
(released 2019/03/22) comes with a DAMASK export filter
25 Mar 2019
Release of version v2.0.3
21 Jan 2019
DAMASK overview paper finally published with full citation information available
01 Dec 2018
DAMASK overview paper now online
17 Sep 2018
CMCn2018 & DAMASK user meeting to be hosted at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung
22 May 2018
Release of version v2.0.2
01 Sep 2016
CMCn2016 & DAMASK user meeting to be hosted at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung
25 Jul 2016
Release of version v2.0.1
08 Mar 2016
Release of version v2.0.0
22 Feb 2016
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09 Feb 2016
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17 Dec 2014
Release of revision 3813
14 May 2014
Release of revision 3108
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