4.3. Spectral solver


This manual describes the installation on a Unix system. For running a simulation after the installation, please refer to the spectral solver usage page.


  • Fortran compiler supporting Fortran 2008 standard
  • PETSc including FFTW
  • DAMASK/CONFIG reflecting your system settings
  • system variables set (done by calling >source DAMASK/DAMASK_env.(sh/csh/zsh) or >source DAMASK/env/DAMASK.(sh/csh/zsh) for the current development version
    IMPORTANT note: as you have not yet compiled the spectral solver at this point, the warnings about "Spectral Solver Not found!" and "Post Processing Not found!" are normal; follow below instructions, which will fix this behavior!)

Installation scripts

The following scripts install all relevant prerequisites


Build from source and install

> make spectral [switch=value] [switch=value] [...]

General compiler switches

You can control your compilation with the following switches (default in bold):


The meaning of the OPTIMIZATION switches are as following:

  • OFF: -O0

Choose AGGRESSIVE only if you do not encounter any problems such as inconsistent solver results. As far as we know, DEFENSIVE is always safe and already improves performance significantly compared to OFF. Compilation with OPTIMIZATION = OFF is only recommended when compile time is a premium.

Advanced make options

The advanced make options allow to specify in combination with the general compiler switches the complete compile command. The following commands are defined in the Makefile:

  • BUILDCMD_PRE = arbitrary prefix
  • BUILDCMD_POST = arbitrary suffix

If the compiling options are changed, remove all previously compiled objects with
> cd DAMASK/code/
> make clean

Pre-configured docker image

A pre-configured docker image is available at the docker hub. For quick testing of the DAMASK spectral solver, use

> docker pull kedokudo/damaskdocker:damask
to pull this image to your local machine.

Once the image is downloaded to the local machine, start a container with this image by
> docker run -it kedokudo/damaskdocker:damask /bin/bash

Then navigate to the example folder to test out the basic functionality of the spectral solver with
> cd examples/SpectralMethod/Polycrystal
> DAMASK_spectral -l tensionX.load -g 20grains16x16x16.geom

If you would like to use the pre-configured docker image to run some simulation, you can mount your local directory to the container during the launch time by
> docker run -v {YOUR_LOCAL_DIR}:/tmp -it kedokudo/damaskdocker:damask /bin/bash
then you can navigate to the /tmp directory and start your simulation
> cd /tmp
Topic revision: r43 - 04 Mar 2020, MartinDiehl

  • News
14 Sep 2020
CMCn2020 & DAMASK user meeting to be hosted at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (cancelled)
22 Aug 2020
Release of first preview version of DAMASK 3
19 Feb 2020
DAMASK made it to the Advanved Engineering Materials Hall of Fame
26 Mar 2019
DREAM.3D 6.5.119
(released 2019/03/22) comes with a DAMASK export filter
25 Mar 2019
Release of version v2.0.3
21 Jan 2019
DAMASK overview paper finally published with full citation information available
01 Dec 2018
DAMASK overview paper now online
17 Sep 2018
CMCn2018 & DAMASK user meeting to be hosted at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung
22 May 2018
Release of version v2.0.2
01 Sep 2016
CMCn2016 & DAMASK user meeting to be hosted at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung
25 Jul 2016
Release of version v2.0.1
08 Mar 2016
Release of version v2.0.0
22 Feb 2016
New webserver up and running
09 Feb 2016
Migrated code repository from Subversion to GitLab
17 Dec 2014
Release of revision 3813
14 May 2014
Release of revision 3108
02 Apr 2014
Release of revision 3062
16 Oct 2013
Release of revision 2689
15 Jul 2013
Release of revision 2555
15 Feb 2013
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13 Feb 2013
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16 Dec 2012
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01 Nov 2012
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30 Oct 2012
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