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PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Left Sidebar Toggle

The Sidebar is hidden for screens with width < 870px. This makes the main page content more readable on small devices, but blocks access to some important links, such as the Login link. This cookbook shows how to add a button that will toggle the sidebar when it is hidden on small screen.

This button is configured in any of SitePreferences, in WebPreferences (for a single web), in your WikiGuest topic, or on a single page.

This line loads the extra style definition:
   * Set USERSTYLEURL = %PUBURLPATH{topic="%SYSTEMWEB%.PatternSkinCssCookbookSidebarToggle" "SidebarToggle.css"}%

To activate the button in the sidebar, override the viewsidebar.pattern.tmpl using the supplied viewsidebar.sidetoggle.tmpl by adding it to the front of the SKIN setting.

Your current SKIN setting is damask,famfamfam,pattern Change it to
    * Set SKIN=sidetoggle,damask,famfamfam,pattern 

The formating and positioning is done in the css. When the sidebar is hidden, the button will appear in the lower left corner of the screen, appearing as the "hamburg" icon: ... .
Topic revision: r1 - 02 Mar 2018, UnknownUser
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