WORKFLOW* -- macros associated with WorkflowPlugin

All the following macros accept web and topic parameters:
ParameterSorted ascending Meaning Default
topic (Optional) name of the topic (may use web.topic syntax) current topic
web (Optional) name of the web containing the topic current web

Where it makes sense, the macros also accept a rev parameter.

If the topic is not controlled, then any references to WORKFLOW macros are simply removed. You can use this behaviour to place these tags in the header or footer in your skin templates. They appear only if the currently displayed topic is controlled.


Expands to a link that lets you attach to the topic (if you are not able to modify the topic, either in the workflow sense or according to the tandard access controls, the link will be struck out).


Expands to a link that lets you edit the topic (if you are not able to modify the topic, either in the workflow sense or according to the standard access controls, the link will be struck out).|


Expands to a button that will create one or more copies of a topic (which must be in a workflow). You must have edit (CHANGE) access to the topic to be forked.

Parameter Meaning Default
newnames="NameOne,NameTwo,..." Comma-separated list of name(s) of the new topic(s) to create. AUTOINC is supported, and you can use a web specifier on the topic names. required, no default.
label="Fork" Label to use in the button "Fork"
lockdown="on" Set this if you want the forked topic to be set as uneditable by all except admins after the fork. This will also prevent the topic from being forked again. off
Used when you have a topic that has to be split to follow different routes through a workflow - for example, when a requirement is refined to create two new requirements that must follow their own lifecycles; or perhaps a problem report is found to affect two different components of a system, and the resolutions have to be separately tracked.

For example, %WORKFLOWFORK{topic="OriginalTopic" label="Divide and conquer" newnames="ForkPathOne,ForkPathTwo" lockdown="on"}% will create two copies of OriginalTopic, named ForkPathOne and ForkPathTwo and set the OriginalTopic as uneditable (using ALLOWTOPICCHANGE).

The fork copies do not inherit the history of the forked topic - their history starts afresh with the fork.

ALERT! due to a bug in versions of the plugin prior to Oct 2009, the default parameter was interpreted as the name of the new topic to fork to. This has been corrected, but the macro will revert to the old meaning if you omit the newnames parameter.


Expands to either (a) a pull-down menu if the user can perform more than one transition, (b) a button if the current user can only perform one transition, or (c) empty space if the current user is not allowed to perform any action. You can change the format of the button using a CSS class (see WORKFLOWTRANSITIONCSSCLASS below) or by deriving your own version of workflowstrings.tmpl


Expands to the history of state transitions the topic has undergone.

Parameter Meaning Default
format Format of each transition $state -- $date
header Header before results  
footer Footer after results  
separator Separator between results <br />
include Perl regular expression matching states to include  
exclude Perl regular expression matching states to exclude  

The format, header, footer and separator parameters provide the control necessary to make the history look nice when it is viewed.

In this example the history is formatted as a simple table:
%WORKFLOWHISTORY{format="| $state | $author | $date |" separator="$n"}%

The standard FormatTokens are supported, as well as the following special tokens:
Token Expands to
$author Who triggered the transition to this state (also $user and $wikiusername)
$comment Comment accompanying the record
$date Date/time of the transition in the default format (you can format your own date using the same formatting tokens as used by %GMTIME%)
$index 1-based number of this result
$name Version at the transition (also $rev)
$state The state of the topic after the recorded event occurred


Expands to the history recorded when the topic was last in a certain state.

Parameter Meaning Default
"State" Name of the state  
format Format $rev: $state $author $date

The format is the same as that used for %WORKFLOWHISTORY%.


Expands to the current state of the topic.


Expands to the corresponding message in the state table for the current state.
Topic revision: r1 - 01 Aug 2017, UnknownUser
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