
DAMASK reports at each material point (= integration point in the case of FE solvers) outputs that have been requested through the material configuration for the active homogenization and for each constituent grain.



This block of data is structured into two parts
  • homogenization output
  • grain(s) output
    • crystallite output
    • constitutive output
Each (sub-) part has as first entry its item count followed by the actual data. The overall format is as follows:

part variable
homogenization N
homogenizationResult #1
homogenizationResult #N
grain M
1 R
crystalliteResult #1
crystalliteResult #R
constitutiveResult #1
constitutiveResult #C1
2 R
crystalliteResult #1
crystalliteResult #R
constitutiveResult #1
constitutiveResult #C2
... ...
... ...
crystalliteResult #1
crystalliteResult #R
constitutiveResult #1
constitutiveResult #CM



Consider this material configuration to be selected for a simulation:

type   isostrain
Ngrains   1


crystallite 1
(constituent)  phase 1   texture 1   fraction 1.0


(output) texture
(output) orientation
(output) grainrotation  # deviation from initial orientation as axis (1-3) and angle in degree (4)
(output) f              # deformation gradient tensor; synonyms: "defgrad"
(output) p              # first Piola-Kichhoff stress tensor; synonyms: "firstpiola", "1stpiola"



constitution            phenopowerlaw

(output)                resistance_slip
(output)                shearrate_slip
(output)                resolvedstress_slip
(output)                totalshear

The following data block of 68 items would result from that material configuration:
  1. HomogenizationCount
  2. GrainCount
  3. 1_CrystalliteCount
  4. 1_texture
  5. 1_1_orientation
  6. 1_2_orientation
  7. 1_3_orientation
  8. 1_4_orientation
  9. 1_1_grainrotation
  10. 1_2_grainrotation
  11. 1_3_grainrotation
  12. 1_4_grainrotation
  13. 1_1_f
  14. 1_2_f
  15. 1_3_f
  16. 1_4_f
  17. 1_5_f
  18. 1_6_f
  19. 1_7_f
  20. 1_8_f
  21. 1_9_f
  22. 1_1_p
  23. 1_2_p
  24. 1_3_p
  25. 1_4_p
  26. 1_5_p
  27. 1_6_p
  28. 1_7_p
  29. 1_8_p
  30. 1_9_p
  31. 1_ConstitutiveCount
  32. 1_1_resistance_slip
  33. 1_2_resistance_slip
  34. 1_3_resistance_slip
  35. 1_4_resistance_slip
  36. 1_5_resistance_slip
  37. 1_6_resistance_slip
  38. 1_7_resistance_slip
  39. 1_8_resistance_slip
  40. 1_9_resistance_slip
  41. 1_10_resistance_slip
  42. 1_11_resistance_slip
  43. 1_12_resistance_slip
  44. 1_1_shearrate_slip
  45. 1_2_shearrate_slip
  46. 1_3_shearrate_slip
  47. 1_4_shearrate_slip
  48. 1_5_shearrate_slip
  49. 1_6_shearrate_slip
  50. 1_7_shearrate_slip
  51. 1_8_shearrate_slip
  52. 1_9_shearrate_slip
  53. 1_10_shearrate_slip
  54. 1_11_shearrate_slip
  55. 1_12_shearrate_slip
  56. 1_1_resolvedstress_slip
  57. 1_2_resolvedstress_slip
  58. 1_3_resolvedstress_slip
  59. 1_4_resolvedstress_slip
  60. 1_5_resolvedstress_slip
  61. 1_6_resolvedstress_slip
  62. 1_7_resolvedstress_slip
  63. 1_8_resolvedstress_slip
  64. 1_9_resolvedstress_slip
  65. 1_10_resolvedstress_slip
  66. 1_11_resolvedstress_slip
  67. 1_12_resolvedstress_slip
  68. 1_totalshear


Legacy format

Until revision 1115 of DAMASK the grain count, M, has been stored as the first entry, i.e., before homogenization count N.
Topic revision: r7 - 05 Apr 2016, FranzRoters

  • News
14 Sep 2020
CMCn2020 & DAMASK user meeting to be hosted at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (cancelled)
22 Aug 2020
Release of first preview version of DAMASK 3
19 Feb 2020
DAMASK made it to the Advanved Engineering Materials Hall of Fame
26 Mar 2019
DREAM.3D 6.5.119
(released 2019/03/22) comes with a DAMASK export filter
25 Mar 2019
Release of version v2.0.3
21 Jan 2019
DAMASK overview paper finally published with full citation information available
01 Dec 2018
DAMASK overview paper now online
17 Sep 2018
CMCn2018 & DAMASK user meeting to be hosted at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung
22 May 2018
Release of version v2.0.2
01 Sep 2016
CMCn2016 & DAMASK user meeting to be hosted at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung
25 Jul 2016
Release of version v2.0.1
08 Mar 2016
Release of version v2.0.0
22 Feb 2016
New webserver up and running
09 Feb 2016
Migrated code repository from Subversion to GitLab
17 Dec 2014
Release of revision 3813
14 May 2014
Release of revision 3108
02 Apr 2014
Release of revision 3062
16 Oct 2013
Release of revision 2689
15 Jul 2013
Release of revision 2555
15 Feb 2013
Release of revision 2174
13 Feb 2013
Doxygen documentation
16 Dec 2012
Powered by MathJax rendering
23 Nov 2012
Release of revision 1955
15 Nov 2012
Release of revision 1924
01 Nov 2012
Updated sidebar
30 Oct 2012
Significant website updates and content extensions

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