This plugin implements an interactive list manager. A "Listy" is a collection of text or links that can be maintained easily using modal dialogs, dragged and dropped to sort or move around between multiple listies.
There are a couple of ways to use a Listy:
All of these use cases have in common that you may freely interact with items on a listy.
Technically speaking, a listy is stored as MetaData attached to a topic. A listy is made up of multiple entries of the form%META:LISTY
to the same topic. Multiple independent listies can
be stored on a single topic by defining the "collection" identifier. Also, multiple independent listies of the
same collection can be stored in separate topics.
Just type
anywhere on a topic to get started. Data will be stored into the current topic.
To store "My Links" of the currently logged in user, use:
%LISTY{ "mylinks" topic="%WIKIUSERNAME%" }%
This will store the set of links organized by this widget into the user's profile page and have them in a "mylinks" collection.
macro lets add a topic to a listy. By default it adds the current topic to your "mylinks" collections (see above):
Note that any "mylinks" listy on the same page will automatically be updated as you click on the favbutton. Clicking on it again will remove it from the listy again.
%BEGINGRID{border="on"}% %BEGINCOL{"4"}% ---++ Todo %LISTY{ "todo" collections="todo, inprogress, done" }% %BEGINCOL{"4"}% ---++ In progress %LISTY{ "inprogress" collections="todo, inprogress, done" }% %BEGINCOL{"4"}% ---++ Done %LISTY{ "done" collections="todo, inprogress, done" }% %ENDGRID%
This will display three listies next to each other, a "todo", an "inprogress" and a "done" listy. You will be able to create entries for each listy, assign them to one of the collections and move them around using drag and drop.
attached to it:
| *Name* | *Type* | *Size* | *Values* | *Description* | *Attributes* | *Default* | | Summary | text | 80 | | | | | | Owner | text | 20 | | | | | | Status | radio | 5 | created, todo, inprogress, done | | | created |
Tasks are created as part of a wiki application and them might be managed using a scrum board extending above example:
%BEGINGRID{gutter="1" border="off"}% %BEGINCOL{"3"}% ---++ Backlog %LISTY{"created" collections="created, todo, inprogress, done" type="query" query="form='TaskForm' AND ! Status=~'\b(todo|inprogress|done)\b'" collection_formfield="Status" }% %BEGINCOL{"3"}% ---++ Todo %LISTY{ "todo" collections="created, todo, inprogress, done" type="query" query="form='TaskForm' AND Status='\btodo\b'" collection_formfield="Status" }% %BEGINCOL{"3"}% ---++ In progress %LISTY{ "inprogress" collections="created, todo, inprogress, done" type="query" query="form='TaskForm' AND Status='\binprogress\b'" collection_formfield="Status" }% %BEGINCOL{"3"}% ---++ Done %LISTY{ "done" collections="created, todo, inprogress, done" type="query" query="form='TaskForm' AND Status='\bdone\b'" collection_formfield="Status" }% %ENDGRID%Note that each listy is of
and thus prefilled by entries that refer to the found topics. The parameter collection_formfield="Status"
then informs the listy
to alter the Status
formfield of the related topic while an entry is dragged from one listy to the next.
%LISTY{ type="topic" width="500px" buttons="both" format="<div class='$class clearfix'>$tools $percntIMAGE{\"$percntFORMFIELD{\"Image\"}$percnt\" size=\"100\" align=\"left\" type=\"plain\"}$percnt <h3> <span class='foswikiGrayText foswikiRight foswikiSmall'>#$index</span> <a href='$url'>$title</a> </h3> <div class='foswikiGrayText'> $percntRENDERFORDISPLAY{ fields=\"Rating, Release, AgeRating_i, Genre\" format=\"$title: $value\" separator=\"%BR%\" hidenull=\"on\" }$percnt </div> </div>" }%
%LISTY{"<collection>" ...}%
Parameter | Description | Default |
topic |
location where all entries of this listy are stored | %BASETOPIC% |
collection |
the collection ID, can be just any string; leave it empty to refer to the "default" collection | <empty> |
collections |
list of known collections stored at topic ; this lets you move a listy item between collectiosn without having a drag'n drop |
collection_formfield |
name of a formfield to be altered when dragging topic listies among collections | |
collection_value |
value to set a topic item's formfield to | collection |
hidenull |
boolean flag to hide the listy when there are no items in it | false |
showcollections |
boolean flag to show/hide the collections select box in the item editor | true |
sort |
sort listies using the specified property; possible values are index , title , summary , date , topictitle |
index |
reverse |
boolean flag to reverse the sorting order as specified in sort |
off |
types |
specify types of listy items, possible values are topic , text , external |
topic, text, external |
autosave |
boolean flag to enable/disable saving changes automatically on every action; if switched off you will need to hit the "save" button to make any changes to the listy permanent; if switched on (default) any change will be stored immediately | true |
format , topic_format , text_format , external_format |
format string of listy items; there are a number of variables to be used in the format (see below) | defined in listyplugin.tmpl |
buttons |
specify where the UI buttons are located; possible values are top , bottom , both and off |
bottom |
width |
width of listy widget, e.g. =width="500px" | |
class |
additional css class to be added to the listy widget | |
query |
search query for topics to pre-fill a listy with items; this is either a normal QuerySearch or a query using Foswiki:Extensions/DBCachePlugin in case it is installed |
, topic_format
, text_format
, external_format
may use the following variables:
Name | Description |
$class |
css class of a listy item |
$date |
date when the listy item was last changed |
$index |
index of listy item within collection |
$json |
listy item as a json object; this is used by the widget to interact with the backend |
$name |
name/id of this listy item |
$summary |
summary |
$title |
title text of listy item |
$tools |
expands to the tools to interact with a listy item |
$topic |
topic value of a "topic" listy item |
$type |
type of this item ("topic", "text" or "external") |
$url |
link url of listy item |
$web |
web value of a "topic" listy item |
default strings:
Name | Description |
$item |
inserts the listy item into the result |
$buttons |
button format |
$topbuttons |
buttons located at the top |
$bottombuttons |
buttons located at the bottom |
$sourceweb |
$sourcetopic |
$collection |
collection id |
$collectionformfield |
name of formfield managed by this listy |
$collectionvalue |
value set to a collection formfield if this listy receives a new item using drag& drop |
$showcollections |
true/false |
$types |
selected types of this listy |
$autosave |
true/false |
$count |
number of listy items |
$style |
extra css |
$class |
extra class |
$allcollections |
list of collections known by the current listy |
$listyID |
id of the current listy |
$tml |
url-escaped TML used to render this listy; this is used to re-render the widget after an update |
Parameter | Description | Default![]() |
class |
css class to be added to the button element | |
style |
css styles to be added to the button element | |
animate |
animation to be added to the button, see VarJQICON | |
favtitle |
button tooltip | Add to favorites |
web , topic |
topic to be added to the list | current topic |
"..." or source |
topic to be added to the listy | current user's profile page |
unfavicon |
button icon | fa-star |
favicon |
button icon | fa-star-o |
favtext |
button text to be displayed when the source topic has not been favorited yet | Favorite |
collection |
name of the listy collection to add the favorite to | mylisty |
showlabel |
boolean flag to show/hide the button label | on |
showicon |
boolean flag to show/hide the button icon | on |
unfavtitle |
button tooltip | Remove from favorites |
unfavtext |
button text to be displayed when the source topic has been favorited | Unavorite |
%FAVBUTTON{ showlabel="off" favicon="fa-heart-o" unfavicon="fa-heart" class="foswikiLarge foswikiAlert" }%
topic for each user.
These can be converted to a setup based on ListyPlugin that stores those links into personal mylinks
using a REST handler of the ListyPlugin.
Use the following commandline:
cd <foswiki-directory> ./rest /ListyPlugin/importSideBar param=value ...
Parameter | Description | Default |
web |
user web to search for ...LeftBar topics |
Main |
suffix |
suffix of topics to search for | LeftBar |
include |
regular expressions of topics to include in the conversion process | |
exclude |
regular expressions of topics to prevent from being processed | |
debug |
boolean flag to enable debug outout | off |
verbose |
boolean flag to enable verbose progress output | off |
target |
target web to store create listy entries | Main |
collection |
collection name to store entries to | mylinks |
Note that the conversion process tries to clean up as good as possible entries in the ...LeftBar topics. However, as this is a free-form topic any kind of content may be found, only some of it may be converted into a listy.
cd /path/to/foswiki perl tools/extension_installer <NameOfExtension> installIf you have any problems, or if the extension isn't available in
, then you can still install manually from the command-line. See for more help.
Name | Version | Description |
Foswiki::Plugins::RenderPlugin | >=3.10 | Required. |
Foswiki::Plugins::JQueryPlugin | >=7.00 | Required. |
Foswiki::Plugins::FilterPlugin | >=4.00 | Required. |
Foswiki::Contrib::JsonRpcContrib | >=2.21 | Required. |
Foswiki::Plugins::ZonePlugin | >=3.1 | Required. required for Foswiki < 1.1 |
Foswiki::Plugins::TopicTitlePlugin | >1.00 | Required for Foswiki < 2.2 |
01 Jul 2019: | fixes along the new tabpane api; recording author, modification date, create author and create date now |
29 Jan 2019: | added %FAVBUTTON macro; added solr index handler to make individual listy entries searchable; depend on TopicTitlePlugin now |
02 Feb 2017: | added sidebar importer that allows to convert a WikiUserLeftBar to a listy |
23 Jan 2017: | new features: populate listies using a search query; change formfields of a topic behind a listy item drag&droping them between listies |
22 Sep 2015: | first final relase |
31 Aug 2015: | fourth beta release |
17 Jul 2015: | third beta release |
24 Jan 2014: | renamed from BookmarksPlugin to ListyPlugin |
Author | Michael Daum |
Version | 3.10 |
Release | 02 Jul 2019 |
Description | Fancy list manager |
Repository | |
Copyright | © 2015-2019 Michael Daum |
License | GPL (Gnu General Public License) |
Home | |
Support | Foswiki:Support/ListyPlugin |