book_open Bookmaker for WebOrder
Change book Close bookmaker
Add to book Remove from book
You can change the order/nesting of topics using drag and drop


Help text for the NatEditPlugin editor

Formatting Command: You write: You get:
Blank lines will create new paragraphs.
1st paragraph

2nd paragraph

1st paragraph

2nd paragraph
Three or more dashes at the beginning of a line, followed by plus signs and the heading text. One plus creates a top level heading, two pluses a second level heading, etc. The maximum heading depth is 6.

You can create a table of contents with the %TOC% macro. If you want to exclude a heading from the TOC, put !! after the ---+.

ALERT! Empty headings are allowed, but won't appear in the table of contents.

See the <ho> tag below for how to adjust heading levels dynamically.

---++ Sushi
---+++ Maguro
---+++!! Not in TOC



Not in TOC

Bold Text:
Words get shown in bold by enclosing them in * asterisks.

Italic Text:
Words get shown in italic by enclosing them in _ underscores.

Bold Italic:
Words get shown in bold italic by enclosing them in __ double-underscores.
__Bold italic__

Bold italic
Fixed Font:
Words get shown in fixed font by enclosing them in = equal signs.
=Fixed font=

Fixed font

Bold Fixed Font:
Words get shown in bold fixed font by enclosing them in == double equal signs.
==Bold fixed==

Bold fixed
TIP You can follow the closing bold, italic, or other (* _ __ = ==) indicator with normal punctuation, such as commas and full stops.

ALERT! Make sure there is no space between the text and the indicators.
_This works_,
_this does not _

This works,
_this does not _
Separator (Horizontal Rule):
Three or more three dashes at the beginning of a line..

Bulleted List:
Multiple of three spaces, an asterisk, and another space.

HELP For all the list types, you can break a list item over several lines by indenting lines after the first one by at least 3 spaces.
   * level 1
      * level 2
   * back on 1
   * A bullet
     broken over
     three lines
   * last bullet

  • level 1
    • level 2
  • back on 1
  • A bullet broken over three lines
  • last bullet
Numbered List:
Multiple of three spaces, a type character, a dot, and another space. Several types are available besides a number:
Type Generated Style Sample SequenceSorted ascending
1. Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, 4...
A. Uppercase letters A, B, C, D...
a. Lowercase letters a, b, c, d...
I. Uppercase Roman Numerals I, II, III, IV...
i. Lowercase Roman Numerals i, ii, iii, iv...
ALERT! Note that while type characters A, a, I and i must be entered exactly as specified, numbers can be any single digit 0-9. It is recommended for future compatibility that only the number 1 be used for numbered type lists.
   1. Sushi
   1. Dim Sum
   1. Fondue

   A. Sushi
   A. Dim Sum
   A. Fondue

   i. Sushi
   i. Dim Sum
   i. Fondue

  1. Sushi
  2. Dim Sum
  3. Fondue

  1. Sushi
  2. Dim Sum
  3. Fondue

  1. Sushi
  2. Dim Sum
  3. Fondue
Definition List:
Three spaces, a dollar sign, the term, a colon, a space, followed by the definition.
   $ Sushi: Japan
   $ Dim Sum: S.F.

Dim Sum
Definition List: (deprecated)
Three spaces, the term (a single word, no spaces), a colon, a space, followed by the definition.
   Sushi: Japan
   Dim-Sum: S.F.

Indented Text:
Three spaces, a colon, a space, followed by the paragraph.
  • Continue a paragraph by indenting the line with 3 spaces.
  • Create deeper levels of indentation by using multiples of 3 spaces.
   : Indented line
   : New paragraph
      : 2nd level indent

Indented line Continued
New paragraph
2nd level indent
Each row of the table is a line containing of one or more cells. Each cell starts and ends with a vertical bar '|'. Any spaces at the beginning of a line are ignored.
| *bold* | header cell with text in asterisks
|   center-aligned   | cell with at least two, and equal number of spaces on either side
|      right-aligned | cell with more spaces on the left
| 2 colspan || and multi-span columns with multiple |'s right next to each other
|^| cell with caret indicating follow-up row of multi-span rows
  • You can split rows over multiple lines by putting a backslash '\' at the end of each line
  • Contents of table cells wrap automatically as determined by the browser
  • Use %VBAR% or &#124; to add | characters in tables.
  • Use %CARET% or &#94; to add ^ characters in tables.
TIP The TablePlugin provides the |^| multiple-span row functionality and additional rendering features
| *L* | *C* | *R* |
| A2 |  B2  |  C2 |
  | A3 |  B3  |  C3 |
| multi span |||
| A5-7 |  5  |  5 |
|^| six | six |
|^| seven | seven |
| split\
  | over\
  | 3 lines |
| A9 |  B9  |  C9 |
| %CARET% | B10 |%VBAR%|
| &#94; | B11 |&#124;|

A2 B2 C2
A3 B3 C3
multi span
A5-7 5 5
six six
seven seven
split over 3 lines
A9 B9 C9
^ B10 |
^ B11 |
WikiWord Links:
CapitalizedWordsStuckTogether (or WikiWords) will produce a link automatically if preceded by whitespace or parenthesis.
  • TIP If you want to link to a topic in a different web write Otherweb.TopicName.
  • To link to a topic in a subweb write Otherweb.Subweb.TopicName.
  • HELP The link label excludes the name of the web, e.g. only the topic name is shown. As an exception, the name of the web is shown for the WebHome topic.
ALERT! Dots '.' are used to separate webs and subwebs from topic names and therefore cannot be used in topic names.

It's generally a good idea to use the macros %SYSTEMWEB%, %SANDBOXWEB% and %USERSWEB% instead of System, Sandbox and Main.

To prevent a word from linking, prefix it with the exclaimation mark (!) or <nop>







Acronym Links:
Words that are all capitals will produce a link automatically only if the topic already exists!.



You can define a reference inside a topic (called an anchor name) and link to that. To define an anchor write #AnchorName at the beginning of a line. The anchor name must be a WikiWord of no more than 32 characters. To link to an anchor name use the [[MyTopic#MyAnchor]] syntax. You can omit the topic name if you want to link within the same topic.


#MyAnchor To here



To here
Forced Links:
You can create a forced internal link by enclosing words in double square brackets.
Text within the brackets may contain optional spaces; the topic name is formed by capitalizing the initial letter and by removing the spaces; for example, [[wiki word]] links to topic WikiWord. You can also refer to a different web and use anchors.
TIP To "escape" double square brackets that would otherwise make a link, prefix the leading left square bracket with an exclamation point.
[[wiki syntax]]

[[Main.Wiki groups]]

![[wiki syntax]]



escaped: [[wiki syntax]]
Renamed Links:
You can create a link where you specify the link text and the URL separately using nested square brackets [[reference][text]]. Internal link references (e.g. WikiWord) and URLs (e.g. are both supported. The rules described under Forced Links apply for internal link references.
TIP Anchor names can be added as well, to create a link to a specific place in a topic.
[[WikiWord][wiki word]]


wiki word

Automatic links:
Typed-in URLs are linked automatically. Most standard protocols are supported; if yours is missing, it can be added by the site administrator.

URLs for images are automatically inserted inline.

Email addresses are also linked automatically, see further details below.

TIP automatic linking of URLs and email addresses is not blocked by the noautolink setting.
   * file://
   * news://
   * nntp://
   * telnet://
   * %PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/ProjectLogos/foswiki-logo-icon.png
Prevent an Automatic Link:
Prevent a WikiWord, URL, email address or image from being linked by prepending it with an exclamation point (!) or <nop> tag.

TIP Note that you can use the <nop> tag, but any leading markup directly adjacent to a wikiword will prevent automatic linking because the word is no longer space delimitied.









Disable Automatic Linking:
You can disable automatic linking of WikiWords by surrounding text with <noautolink> and </noautolink> tags.
HELP You can also turn off WikiWord auto-linking with the NOAUTOLINK preference setting.

The noautolink feature only applies to WikiWords. It does not stop linking of URLs, or email addresses.
 RedHat & SuSE

RedHat & SuSE
Mailto Links:
E-mail addresses are linked automatically. To create e-mail links that have more descriptive link text, specify subject lines or message bodies, or omit the e-mail address, you can write [[mailto:user@domain][descriptive text]].

ALERT! automatic linking of email addresses is not blocked by <noautolink>, Escape with a ! to prevent auto linking.





Special characters:
Some characters are reserved for use by TML
  • Display them in your output by using the HTML entities.
  • Use HTML entities to display characters that are not supported by your site character set (e.g. special mathematical symbols). There's a complete list of named entities in Wikipedia
  • Use numerical entities to display any unicode character (e.g. Chinese script).
  • To prevent Foswiki from treating ! as an escape, escape it with <nop>, or use the &#33; entity
&lt; &gt; &amp; &alefsym; &#x4eb9;

A <nop>!= B &#33;= C

<nop>!here, !here
< > & ℵ 亹

A != B != C

!here, here
Escaping Macros
Prevent a Macro from being expanded by prepending it with an exclamation point.

TIP To expand the macro, but escape any wikiword it expands into, use the <nop> tag.



Controlling how content is rendered:
There are 3 ways to control how your topic content is rendered. This is done with three HTML or pseudo-HTML tags: <literal>, <verbatim> and <pre> They control whether or not:
  • Wiki markup (TML) is rendered
  • Macros (ex: %TOPIC%) are expanded
  • HTML is rendered
  • White space preserved
  • Auto linking of WikiWords and Email addresses occurs
These are explained in more details in the next sections, but are summarized to the right:
Auto Link
Auto Link
Literal content:
Foswiki generates HTML code from TML shorthand. Experts surround anything that must be output literally in the HTML code, without the application of shorthand rules, with <literal>..</literal> tags.
ALERT! Any HTML within literal tags must be well formed i.e. all tags must be properly closed before the end of the literal block.
IDEA! Macros are expanded within literal blocks.
| Not | A | Table |
| Not | A | Table |
Verbatim (Literal) Text:
Surround code excerpts and other formatted text with <verbatim> and </verbatim> tags.

TIP verbatim tags disable HTML code. Use <pre> and </pre> tags instead if you want the HTML code within the tags to be interpreted.

ALERT! Preferences settings (* Set NAME = value) are set within verbatim tags.
class CatAnimal {
  void purr() {
    <code here>
class CatAnimal {
  void purr() {
    <code here>
Verbatim (Literal) Code Highlighting:
Surround code excerpts and other formatted text e.g. with <verbatim class="bash"> and </verbatim> tags.

IDEA! This type of code highlighting is based on Chili - the jQuery code highlighter plugin. Please find supported class attributes in JQueryChili.

TIP verbatim tags disable HTML code. Use <pre class="bash"> and </pre> tags instead if you want the HTML code within the tags to be interpreted.

ALERT! Preferences settings (* Set NAME = value) are set within verbatim tags.
<verbatim class="bash">
while [ -n "$(ls . ~/ \
~/pub* /var/www 2>/dev/null \
| fgrep foswiki )" ] ; do
 printf "\nFoswiki rules!\n"
 sleep 10
 printf "\nFoswiki still rules!\n"
 sleep 10
done; exit 0
while [ -n "$(ls . ~/ \
~/pub* /var/www 2>/dev/null \
| fgrep foswiki )" ] ; do
 printf "\nFoswiki rules!\n"
 sleep 10
 printf "\nFoswiki still rules!\n"
 sleep 10
done; exit 0

Protected content:
Experts protect text from mangling by WYSIWYG editors using <sticky>..</sticky> tags. Sticky tags don't have any effect on normal topic display; they are only relevant when content has to be protected from a WYSIWYG editor (usually because it isn't well-formed HTML, or because it is HTML that WYSIWYG would normally filter out or modify). Protected content appears as plain text in the WYSIWYG editor.
ALERT! Any HTML within sticky tags must be well formed i.e. all tags must be properly closed before the end of the sticky block.
IDEA! Macros are expanded within sticky blocks.
This div 

This div is required

Adjust heading levels:
You can adjust heading levels for headings generated using ---+ markup and also HTML <h> tags using the <ho> tag.
The %INCLUDE and %SEARCH macros also have a headingoffset parameter to do this for you in included content.
Heading levels are limited to the range 1..6 after any offset is applied.
---++ offset is 0
<ho off="1">
---++ H2 becomes H3
<ho off="-1">
---++ offset was 1, so offset is now 0

offset is 0

H2 becomes H3

offset was 1, so offset is now 0


  • TWikiCompatibilityPlugin (1.12, 1.12): Add TWiki personality to Foswiki
  • SpreadSheetPlugin (20 Jan 2017, 1.23): Add spreadsheet calculations like "$SUM($ABOVE())" to Foswiki tables and other topic text
  • SlideShowPlugin (06 Sep 2016, 2.32): Create web based presentations based on topics with headings
  • AttachContentPlugin (13 Jun 2016, 2.41): Saves dynamic topic text to an attachment
  • AutoTemplatePlugin (12 Nov 2019, 7.00): Automatically sets VIEW_TEMPLATE, EDIT_TEMPLATE and PRINT_TEMPLATE
  • AutoViewTemplatePlugin (2016-04-08, 1.24): Automatically sets VIEW_TEMPLATE and EDIT_TEMPLATE
  • BibliographyPlugin (2.2.2, $Rev: 11925 (2011-06-15) $): Cite bibliography in one topic and get a references list automatically created.
  • BookmakerPlugin (1.1.0, $Rev: 15213 (2012-07-26) $): Provides a UI and an API for other extensions that support the definition and maintenance of a specific topic ordering
  • BreadCrumbsPlugin (15 Aug 2018, 3.20): A flexible way to display breadcrumbs navigation
  • CaptchaPlugin (12 Nov 2019, 2.20): A visual challenge-response test to prevent automated scripts from using the wiki
  • ClassificationPlugin (02 May 2019, 7.00): A topic classification plugin and application
  • CommentPlugin (22 Jan 2018, 2.93): Quickly post comments to a page without an edit/save cycle
  • CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin (1.114, 1.114):
  • ConfigurePlugin (08 Dec 2017, 1.09): configure interface using json-rpc
  • DBCachePlugin (2 May 2019, 12.11): Lightweighted frontend to the DBCacheContrib
  • DiffPlugin (27 Nov 2019, 3.01): Compare difference between topics and revisions
  • DigestPlugin (08 Mar 2016, 2.00): Calculate a message digest, i.e. MD5 or BASE64
  • DocumentViewerPlugin (02 Sep 2016, 1.01): Embed presentations, spreadsheets, PDFs and other documents
  • DpSyntaxHighlighterPlugin (3.02, 3.02): Client side syntax highlighting using the SyntaxHighlighter
  • EditRowPlugin (5 Feb 2018, 3.321): Inline edit for tables
  • ExternalLinkPlugin (1.30, 1.30): Adds a visual indicator to outgoing links
  • FilterPlugin (25 Oct 2018, 5.30): Substitute and extract information from content by using regular expressions
  • FlexFormPlugin (21 Nov 2019, 6.01): Flexible way to render DataForms
  • FlexWebListPlugin (28 May 2018, 2.10): Flexible way to display hierarchical weblists
  • GraphvizPlugin (11 Jun 2018, 1.10): Draw graphs using the GraphViz utility
  • GridLayoutPlugin (12 Nov 2019, 3.31): A 12er grid system for responsive layouts
  • HistoryPlugin (22 Jan 2018, 1.14): Shows a complete history of a topic
  • HomePagePlugin (1.23, 1.23): Allow User specified home pages - on login
  • ImageGalleryPlugin (27 Jul 2017, 8.01): Displays image gallery with auto-generated thumbnails from attachments
  • ImagePlugin (12 Nov 2019, 9.00): Image and thumbnail services to display and alignment images using an easy syntax
  • InterwikiPlugin (8 Dec 2017, 1.25): Link ExternalSite:Page text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic
  • JEditableContribPlugin ():
  • JQDataTablesPlugin (01 Jul 2019, 5.00): JQuery based progressive enhancement of tables
  • JQTablePlugin (25 Apr 2017, 1.15): Javascript implementation of the classic TablePlugin, using JQuery
  • JQueryPlugin (18 Nov 2019, 9.20): jQuery JavaScript library for Foswiki
  • LatexModePlugin (4.2, $Rev: 17761 (2014-06-10) $): Enables LaTeX markup (mathematics and more) in Foswiki topics
  • LikePlugin (18 Nov 2019, 2.10): Like-style voting for content
  • ListyPlugin (02 Jul 2019, 3.10): Fancy list manager
  • LocalTimePlugin (1.1.1, $Rev: 7117 (2010-04-07) $): Provides the %LOCALTIME% macro to display a formatted date and/or time
  • MailerContribPlugin (2.84, 2.84): Supports e-mail notification of changes
  • MathJaxPlugin (0.9.1, $Rev: 2083 (2010-10-27) $): Macros for embedding MathJax (an open source JavaScript display engine for mathematics)
  • MediaElementPlugin (18 Nov 2019, 3.00): Cross-browser embedding of videos and audios
  • MediaPlugin (1.3.4, $Rev: 12678 (2011-10-01) $): Embed multimedia objects such as Flash or QuickTime in topics
  • MetaCommentPlugin (26 Nov 2019, 5.10): An easy to use comment system
  • MetaDataPlugin (30 Jan 2019, 6.00): Bring custom meta data to wiki apps
  • MimeIconPlugin (18 Nov 2019, 3.13): Icon sets for mimetypes
  • MoreFormfieldsPlugin (10 Jan 2019, 6.00): Additional formfield types for DataForms
  • MultiLingualPlugin (16 Jul 2018, 4.10): Support for a multi lingual Foswiki
  • NatEditPlugin (25 Feb 2018, 9.21): A Wikiwyg Editor
  • NatSkinPlugin (12 Feb 2019, 6.00): Support plugin for NatSkin
  • PageOptimizerPlugin (25 Sep 2017, 3.00): Optimize html markup, as well as js and css
  • PreferencesPlugin (1.16, 1.16): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
  • PubLinkFixupPlugin (14 Sep 2015, 1.00): For non-utf-8 sites, fix up Pub links to use correct encoding.
  • PublishPlugin (28 July 2022, 3.6): Generate static output (HTML, PDF) optionally upload (FTP) the output to a publishing site.
  • RedDotPlugin (12 Sep 2015, 4.11): Quick-edit links
  • RenderListPlugin (2.28, 2.28): Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
  • RenderPlugin (14 Feb 2019, 6.00): Render WikiApplications asynchronously
  • SecurityHeadersPlugin (17 Oct 2018, 1.10): Add HTTP security headers to protect against XSS attacks
  • SmiliesPlugin (17 Sep 2015, 2.03): Render smilies like smile as icons
  • SolrPlugin (31 Jan 2019, 7.30): Enterprise Search Engine for Foswiki based on Solr
  • SubscribePlugin (08 Dec 2017, 3.6): This is a companion plugin to the MailerContrib. It allows you to trivially add a "Subscribe me" link to topics to get subscribed to changes.
  • TablePlugin (22 Jan 2018, 1.160): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
  • TagCloudPlugin (01 Apr 2016, 4.00): Renders a tag cloud given a list of terms
  • TinyMCEPlugin (1.31, 1.31): Integration of the Tiny MCE WYSIWYG Editor
  • TocPlugin (2.1.1, $Rev: 11472 (2011-04-15) $): Sophisticated table of contents generation
  • TopicInteractionPlugin (26 Nov 2018, 8.20): Improved interaction with attachments and DataForms
  • TopicTitlePlugin (14 Aug 2018, 1.02): Free-form title for topics
  • TwistyPlugin (1.63, 1.63): Twisty section Javascript library to open/close content dynamically
  • UpdatesPlugin (22 Jan 2018, 1.04): Checks for updates
  • WebLinkPlugin (2 Jun 2018, 2.00): A parametrized %WEB macro
  • WorkflowPlugin (1 Aug 2017, 1.17): Associate a "state" with a topic and then control the work flow that the topic progresses through as content is added.
  • WysiwygPlugin (08 Dec 2017, 1.37): Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors
  • X3domPlugin (0.9, 1): Adds X3DOM javascript code to specified pages


Access keys

  • B = Bold
  • I = Bold
  • _ = Underline
  • - = Strike

  • l = Subscript
  • ^ = Superscript

  • 1 = Level 1 headline
  • 2 = Level 2 headline
  • 3 = Level 3 headline
  • 4 = Level 4 headline
  • < = Align left
  • > = Align right
  • . = Center align
  • J = Justify align

  • / = External link
  • [ = Internal link

  • G = Embed image
  • M = Mathematic formula
  • V = Ignore wiki formatting
  • Z = Your signature
  • C = Cancel
  • D = Done
  • F = Add form
  • P = Preview
  • S = Save
  • U = Undo

  • ? = Help
Topic revision: r8 - 06 Mar 2018, MartinDiehl
This site is powered by FoswikiCopyright © by the contributing authors. All material on this site is the property of the contributing authors.
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