internal package
Foswiki::Configure::Value internal package
Foswiki::Configure::Value is a
Foswiki::Configure::Item The special prefix 'NO' on any attribute name will clear the value of that attributes.
In support of older .spec files, the following are also supported (though their usage is deprecated):
attrs ::= attr attrs ; attr ::= name '=' values | name ; values ::= value | values ';' fattr ; value ::= quoted-string | name ; name is made up of [-A-Z0-9]
Certain attributes define a 'process' that allows further parsing of the value of an attribute. A process is a ref to a function that performs this parsing. Execution of processes may be supressed by setting $Foswiki::Configure::LoadSpec::RAW_VALS to 1.Processes are used to parse 'FEEDBACK' and 'CHECK' values.
new($typename, %options) $typename
e.g 'STRING', name of one of the Foswiki::Configure::TypeUIs Defaults to 'UNKNOWN' if not given ('', 0 or undef).
IMPORTANT NOTE When constructing value objects in Pluggables, bear in mind that thedefault
value is stored as an unparsed perl string. This string
is checked for valid perl during the .spec load, but otherwise
stored verbatim. It must be evaled to get the 'actual' default
The presence of the key (tested using 'exists') indicates whether a default is provided or not. undef is a valid default.
getValueObject($keys) ObjectMethod
getRawValue() → $rawval Get the current value of the key from $Foswiki::cfg. The value returned is not expanded (embedded $Foswiki::cfg references will be intact)
getExpandedValue() → $expandedval Get the current value of the key from $Foswiki::cfg. The value returned with embedded $Foswiki::cfg references recursively expanded. If the current value is undef, then undef is returned. Embedded references that evaluate to undef are expanded using the string 'undef'.
encodeValue($raw_value) → $encoded_value Encode a "real" cfg value as a string (if necessary) for passing to other tools, such as UIs, in a type-sensitive way.
decodeValue($encoded_value) → $raw_value Decode a string that represents the value (e.g a serialised perl structure) and return the 'true' value by applying type rules
CHECK_option($keyname) → $value $opt
e.g. if we have CHECK="a b" CHECK="c d=99 e"
in the .spec
then CHECK_option('c')
will return true and
will return 99