internal package Foswiki::Logger::PlainFile::Obfuscating

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internal package Foswiki::Logger::PlainFile::Obfuscating is a Foswiki::Logger::PlainFile

Plain file implementation of the Foswiki Logger interface, with obfuscation of IP addresses. See Foswiki::Logger::PlainFile for further details. This implementation only implements log() call.

This logger implementation maps groups of levels to a single logfile, viz.
  • debug messages are output to $Foswiki::cfg{Log}{Dir}/debug.log
  • info messages are output to $Foswiki::cfg{Log}{Dir}/events.log
  • warning, error, critical, alert, emergency messages are output to $Foswiki::cfg{Log}{Dir}/error.log.
  • error, critical, alert, and emergency messages are also written to standard error (the webserver log file, usually)

ObjectMethod log($level, @fields)

See Foswiki::Logger for the interface.

Topic revision: r1 - 03 Feb 2016, UnknownUser
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