internal package
Foswiki::Query::OP internal package
Foswiki::Query::OP is a
Foswiki::Infix::OP ObjectMethod
evaluate($node, %domain) → $value Pure virtual method that evaluates the operator in the give domain. The domain is a reference to a hash that contains the data being operated on, and a reference to the meta-data of the topic being worked on (the "topic object"). The data being operated on can be a Meta object, a reference to an array (such as attachments), a reference to a hash or a scalar. Arrays can contain other arrays and hashes.
See Foswiki::Query::Node::evaluate for more information.ObjectMethod
evaluatesToConstant() → $boolean Used in hoisting/optimisation.
Default behaviour is to call evaluatesAsConstant on all parameters and return true if they all return true.
isNumber($string) → $boolean Determine if a string represents a valid number (signed decimal)
Used in hoisting/optimisation.
collect($a, $fn) → [] Invokes $fn once for each element of $a and return an array built from the results.